The ICAR-AU System of India has 74 Agricultural Universities comprising 63 State Agricultural, Veterinary, Horticultural and Fisheries Universities (SAUs), 4 ICAR-DUs, viz. IARI, IVRI, NDRI and CIFE, 3 Central Agricultural Universities (CAU, Imphal, Dr. RPCAU, Pusa and RLB CAU, Jhansi), 4 Central Universities (CUs) having Faculty of Agriculture (BHU, AMU, Viswa Bharati and Nagaland University).

The National Agricultural Research and Education and Extension System (NAREES) of India is one of the largest agricultural research systems in the world, admitting students in different disciplines of Agriculture and Allied Sciences.

ICAR AIEEA (UG) – is All India Entrance Examination for (a) admission to 15% seats in Bachelor Degree Programme in Agriculture and Allied Sciences (Other than veterinary sciences) at Agricultural Universities (100% seats at NDRI Karnal, RLBCAU Jhansi & DR. RPCAU PUSA) and (b) award of National Talent Scholarship in Agriculture & Allied Science subjects (other than Veterinary Science).

The details may be referred in the official website: Click Here